Sunday, February 10, 2008


Hello everyone!
Don't forget to check out my post below this one on Madrid! Anyway, when we arrived in Codoba, everyone was quite happy to be there, the weather was great, and the city, although smaller feeling than Madrid, was absolutely gorgeous. I don't have too many pictures though, because I wasn't smart enough to take enough, but don't worry, I make up for that with Granada and Sevilla! Anywho, not shown here are the Arab baths (Hamman) that we visited, because pictures were not allowed. They were very cool though, there were three pools inside, a temperately temperatured pool, a very hot one, and a cold one. The way it works is you start in the temperate one, then move to the hot one, which you cannot stay in for more than 5 minutes (it's about 115 F in there!), and then you move to the cold one, which was freezing, but very soothing feeling after the hot one. After a while you get a 10 minutes massage with 3 other people in the same room as the temperate pool. Very cool! One other thing that I do have photographed is the Mezquita/Cordoba Cathedral (??). It's story is that when Spain was ruled by Islam, the Mezquita was built, and once the Islamic rulers fells, the Christians tried to Christianize it. AwKwArD!

The interior of the Mezquita! It's a forest of columns in here. I don't have a picture of the outside... it looks like a huge rock wall... kind of boring. Massive though.

The quibbla wall, that is not pointed at Mecca, I don't remember why though (Not very characteristic though!)

The first christian dome

One of the series that they are still working on.

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