Tuesday, March 11, 2008

New Beginning!

So I just finished up my Spring break, and my teachers all say that our (as in all of the students here) blogs are not up to snuff! So, from now on, I will be posting more of my work, and less pictures I suppose! I don't have anything to post as of right now, because my sketchbook has been turned in and that was what I was going to post, but expect better posts from now on, starting as soon as I get my sketchbook back :)

Just a little on Spring break, Pj, Steve, Gavin, Pat and I traveled to Holland and were amazed with what we found! In the city of Amsterdam, there are a million bikes, and only 750,000 residents! Apparently bike theft is rampant, but there are very few cars, and everyone rides bikes! All of the bike are stylistically archaic, like from the 50s, but the city was clean, fresh, and beautiful. The buildings all have very strict schemes for their facades and heights. It was really a lovely place.

Anyway, I'll post again soon!

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