Sunday, February 10, 2008


Hello everyone!

Don't forget to check out my 3 other post below from my tour of Spain (we went to Madrid, Cordoba, Granada, and Sevilla). This post is of Sevilla, one of the prettiest cities in Spain. The streets are linedwith Orange trees, SO cool! Sevilla is home to the cathedral of Sevilla, and the Real Alcazar (An Islamic Palace).

A street lined with Orange trees! They weren't ripe yet though!

The REAL Aladdin, the movie is fake haha.

One of the main courtyards of the Real Alcazar (reflecting pools are so IN in Islamic design!)

Looking up into a dome in the Alcazar.

The beginning of the gardens, where I spent most of my time.

Another little fountain, with a pathway and an arch.

The organic gardens... with...


The males are soooo beautiful

Look what I found!

Look Mrs. Schultz, Elephant Ears!

The gardens are so beautiful here, and the lighting was always perfect.

This might as well be in Florida haha.

I stuck my camera over top of this hedge maze, pretty neat.

One of many place outside to rest.

The back view of the place above.

The ugliest tree stump ever.

A very strange fountain, with a sculpture underneath...

Of a naked lady holding her breasts...

A spout that became a fountain, and in the pool that it flowed into were...

Mutant Koi fish, with ducks over top.

A part of the geometric gardens.

The Cathedral of Sevilla.

A really sexy gothic buttress.

The outside of the cathedral from like 10 floors up.

Up in the bell towers.

Check it out, largest floor area in the world!

Christopher Colombus' grave!

One of the columns inside the cathedral.

Looking down the nave.

The most majestic altar I have ever seen!

The following are examples of stained glass in the cathedral:

And the following are treasure stored inside the Cathedral:

The first elliptical room built in the Spanish renaissance, and possibly in europe's renaissance:

A view of the dome from the inside

Floor tiles

The key to my heart... mwahahha, look how complex it is!


Hello everyone!

Don't forget to check out my posts under here for Cordoba and Madrid! The next stop on this southern tour of Spain was Granada, an absolutely amazing city! Granada was built on a moutain, and near other mountains, ther scenery here was absolutely gorgeous. Also, Granada has the last gem of the Shiite family: The Alahambra. The Shiites of Islam helped Christian Spain over throw the rule of another Islamic family, and thus, were allowed to build their palace and remain in Spain in Granada. The Alahambra is a beautiful kingdom, complete with miles of gardens.

I just thought this was funny.
Street lamps in Granada are really nice aren't they? These would be destroyed in America haha.

REAL gypsy territory. I think modern gypsies just mean hippies, because they all wear tie-die and smoke marijuana everywhere! We were eating at a cafe next to where I took this picture, and every table around us was smoking marijuana!

El Gato Negro! Pj and I studied this fellow, he is all over the city, and we don't know what he means, below is his meaning, but I can't read it.
If you know what it says, comment on this post and let me know!

A view of the cathedral from above the city.

Some mountains near the Alahambra

The Alahambra at night.
Inside the Alahambra: The largest courtyard and reflecting pool.

Fishies inside the reflecting pool!

Some examples of Islamic patterns (next five photos)

The Generallife (Garden of Eden??) at the Alahambra

Can you spot what is wrong with this picture...? :)

An overview of the start of the Generallife.

This cyprus tree was so thick that I am pushing back as hard as I can, can you tell??

A fountain under some trees (see context below)

Me and another blonde (a rare thing in Spain!) posing for pictures!

The fountain above as I photographed it.

A set of stairs with a little plaza on the way down, with little streams of water on the side.

A staircase on the way back down the mountain...

...Followed by a walkway...

...Followed by an archway.

A view of Granada from Alcazaba (guard tower) at the Alahambra

Me and Granada from the Alcazaba

More of Grandada

The Sierra Nevada

The DuNgEoN!!!

Me on one of the historic cannons :)